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The Elixir of Immortality

Alchemy is the secret of all Religions/ Secret Societies which aims to control the masses and rule over the world by controlling the supply of Gold which can give you both Spiritual and Economic Powers.

 Mercury contains 80 and Gold has an atomic no of 79. You just have to knock out One atom from Mercury to get Gold. Any heat source like Sun or gentle fire can remove the atom and turn the Mercury to Gold.

Gold is the most precious and valuable metal not not for its beauty but because it does not react with anything. Gold nanoparticles gets attached to your DNA and prevents it from damage due to Methylation and other reaction. Methylation of DNA is the cause of cancer and all diseases. Without our DNA getting damaged we would never age and remain immortal.

This valuable property of Gold to cure all diseases is the reason Gold was used as a currency since ancient times. The Devil of this age is the God of the Bankers want to remove all Gold from the hands of common people and give them worthless piece of paper printed by them.

Shiva (Mercury / Semen) and Shakti
(Sulphur / Blood) when unites in 3rd Eye (Flask / Pineal Gland)

will create their Golden Child Ganesha  ( Soma / Elixir of immortality )

which on consumption will turn you to 
God / Demon (Brahma or Abraham)

I am here to teach you the ancient art of Alchemy so that you do not become a slave to the Asuras and their monetary system but to make your Own Gold and be free to Join Kalki Avatar/ Jesus when he arrives from Mount Meru/Zion in Shambala located under the Pole Star and Swastika constellation where all compass points. He has already shown us the way. Its upto us to make the Stone and become his Philosopher to enlighten people before the Great War is fought at the end of this Kali Yuga.


As Above So Below

God made us in his own image.

God has 7 chakras or Demigods that rule the world i.e 7 planets

Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn

Humans have 7 chakras or glands that rules the body i.e 7 glands

Pineal gland, Pituitary, Thyroid, Thymus Adrenal Pancreas and Prostrate Gland.

God has 12 Disciples to Govern the World i.e 12 months or constellations.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Capricornus, Aquarius and Pisces

Humans have 12 systems to run our body

cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, immune, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous,reproductive,

respiratory, skeletal and urinary system.

God uses 7 days to create this world.

Ravivar (Sunday), Somavar (Moonday), Mangalvar (Marsday), Buddhawar (Mercuryday ),Guruvar (Thor's day ),

Shukravar (Venusday), Shanivar ( Saturnday )

Humans can use 7 metals to create the Philosopher's Stone.

Gold, Silver, Iron, Mercury, Tin, Copper and Lead


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